Sunday, July 20, 2008

Knoxville Zoo

Ashton had her 5th birthday this week. I was supposed to go to Knoxville for work, so I took everybody. I was working a pretty early shift, so what the heck. Family Trip. I did not want to miss her birthday. I think that it worked out pretty well. My work paid for our hotel and gas and my meals. Then we had zoo passes to Nashville's Zoo, so we were able to get into Knoxville's Zoo for free. Why not bring everybody. I was a little nervous about traveling with the twins again, but they were very good.

The first evening we were there, I called ahead to my office in Knoxville and was told by two people that we were staying in the hood and they would not take their family there, so I cancelled our reservations on the way there. Who would've thought that you can't believe what you see on the internet. It looked nice on their site.

When we got into town, we called some friends from high school, Matt and Brandy Rappe. We were actually trying to check into a hotel when we first spoke, but he told us that we could find something closer to my office and we would take care of it after dinner. So then we went to their house where he grilled a wonderfull dinner. As you can probably predict, there was not another room to be found that was not in the hood. So they invited us to stay. They were obviously crazy and did not know what they were getting into. We had a great time there and the accomodations were much better than we had planned on having. We taught them a big lesson, don't invite friends over from out of town without making sure they will leave.

Later the second day, we went to the zoo after I got off of work. Here are a couple of video clips of our encounters there. First is our experience with the camels. You just have to watch.

Then Jackson decided to throw poop. I promise that I did not teach him this.


Ashley said...

So, why is his name Joe?

Daddy Dodd's Daily Doses said...

Joe Camel!! You know the cigerette ad character.