Saturday, January 5, 2008

Well, here is my first blog. I have been a little skepticle about writing a blog, but I feel that it is something I must do to defend myself. I needed a way to let others hear the other side of the story. I have to warn you about what you may read on my version of Dodd's Daily Doses. I will never win a pulizer for blogging or spelling (I am sure that exists). I promise to misuse commas and use run-on sentences whenever possible. My blogs will be gifts for your reading pleasure. That means some people around here actually have a job and do not have time to sit around and blog all day, so I probably will not write everyday. (She loves it when I say that kind of stuff.)
OK, I will actually talk about something now.
Today, I took Jackson deer hunting. I called Uncle Daren Williamson and he let us come out to his land in Leiper's Fork. Earlier this year, Jackson has already killed a really nice turkey and a big doe. Both of these hunts lasted about an hour, so this morning he got a taste of what real hunting is about. Needless to say, we did not see a thing. Although, he did shoot a really nice tree. I was reminded what it was like to be a kid again.

Take this picture for example, as we were sitting in our blind, everything Jackson looked at was some type of animal. There was a stump that looked like a bear, a tree with a laughing face on it, a limb that looked like a frog leg, an even anairplane. Here is a picture of a tree that had a leapord face on it. And you know, it does look like a leopard. I guess these things were kind of like the bells on "The Polar Express". If you believe in Santa, you can hear the bell ring. In this case, if you have any kid left in you, these images should appear. He would ask me, If a bear come by, can we shoot it? After thinking about it, it is neat because he really thinks a bear could come by. I miss being a kid.

On our walk back I was pretty proud of Jackson. We walked really far and most of it was uphill, but he never complained. He was loving it. I let him carry the gun back and he seemed to be really proud of himself (Mom, I promise that it was unloaded). I realized that I have to work on my obsessive compulsive hunting habits when I take him though. I tried not to freak out about the fact that he had not washed his clothes or taken a bath in scent free soap or the fact that he sounded like an elephant walking through the woods.

Well, there it is. My first blog. I hope that I did it right and maybe you would consider coming back. I guess this is where I say "Ya'll Come Back Now, Ya Hear!"

1 comment:

Granda said...

Jon Dude! Great article. You are making soem grrat memories with that little dare devel. He will long remember these things whether y'all shoot a deer, a bear, or a wierd looking tree.

Makes me think of the days Bill drug me off in the woods oh so long ago.

Keep it up. Ronny Mangrum