Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Crop Day

Last Saturday was an exciting day. Tonya left at 10am to go scrapbooking and left me with the kids all day. We had a big time and I am proud to say that all four kids survived the day. I did not need it, but I recieved another dose of how much I appreciate what my wife does everyday. No wonder she is crazy. (Just Kidding). She left me a schedule of everything that I should expect during the day. She even included expected poop times. Our first feeding went very well. I hate spoon food. Mr. Wesley eats very well, but Mr. Will only sucks it off of your spoon and will not open his mouth to eat. This makes things difficult and messy. Tonya claims that I have taught him this. Maybe I did, I try to get it down the hatch any way it will go in. Here is a picture of our first feeding. Notice everyone is happy. I am not including suppertime, because it was not one of my best moments. I took pictures, but I did not think you would like seeing Wesley yak. I do have standards you know.

We then had to bake cupcakes for Jackson's birthday. Ashton loved this part as you can tell.

Then we rocked the house with some guitar hero. We had quite an audience. I never thought that I would have almost enough kids to have our very own mosh pit. Ashton was teaching the boys some new moves.

Tonya finally rolled in around midnight. I then explained to her how easy the kids were and that I did not understand what was so hard about what she does everyday. I know that she knew that I was kidding, because she did not punch me in the mouth.

On another note, thank you Shawn for your binary joke in your comments. That is a classic. I will have to annoy someone with that one soon.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

You are an inspiration to Dads (and scrapbooking moms) everywhere...
